Prophet Adam (A.S)

Prophet Adam (A.S) was the first man created by Allah to live on earth. Iblis (shaytaan) did not like this; he was made of fire & thought he was better than Adam. So he became Adam’s enemy and decided to make him disobey Allah.

Adam (A.S) and his wife, Hawwa, used to live in paradise. Paradise was the most beautiful place you can imagine; it was not hot or cold. Adam (A.S) and his wife were never hungry or thirsty.

Iblis went to Adam (A.S) & his wife and told them to eat from a certain tree. Allah had told Adam (A.S) & his wife not to go near that tree. So they did not listen to Iblis, but Iblis kept on saying it, Iblis tempted them by saying if you eat from that tree you can live her for ever & you would become like angels. As Iblis was nagging them so much, Adam (A.S) & his wife ate from the tree, which was against Allah’s command.

They both regretted their disobedience towards Allah & asked for his forgiveness. Allah forgave them & told Adam (A.S) & his wife that they should go down to Earth & live there for some time. Allah promised that they would be able to come back to paradise as long as they & their children are obedient to Him in future.

Allah also told Adam (A.S) that he would be Allah’s first prophet. Many prophets would be sent to mankind, and if man listens to the prophets’ words, he will come into paradise when he dies. But if he does not listen, then he will go to hell and remain there with the evil Iblis. So Adam (A.S) and his wife came down to earth. On earth, they raised their children, and their children raised their children. Adam (A.S) told his children “Worship only Allah. Allah has created you. Allah has made for you the plants and the animals so that you can eat them. Be grateful to Allah and always do good.”

Adam (A.S) was the first prophet of Allah & there came many other prophets after him and Muhammad (S.A.W) is the last of the prophets.